@stuckinarut2 I credit his Worst Convention Ever video series to my waking up during the Remain Loyal convention. The John Cedars channel was pivotal in my waking up. It all started there and I haven't looked back since. I burned through four highlighters going through his book. But before it was published, I had read Apocalypse: Delayed by James Penton, half read Crisis of Conscience by Raymond Franz (it's a heavy read and I still haven't finished it), along with Carl Olof Jonsson's Sign of the Last Days: When? I wouldn't have even ventured to these "apostate" books if it wasn't for the concise, logical approach Lloyd introduced apostasy with. Glad I discovered him.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
JoinedPosts by Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
"exjws" and money making Ponzi schemes.
by Thisismein1972 inok i want to pose a question to those who care to discuss this.. imagine a scenario.
you hear of a exjw writing a book, however, before writing this book this exjw is requesting money to publish said book.
you go along with it and help to get this book out to the public as you think that it will be beneficial.
Out of the world, into the Truth
by apalro infor some background - i studied on & off as a child with a jehovah's witness who has been patiently working on lots of our family for more than a decade and never gave up on any of us.
as a middle-schooler and a highschooler, my love for jehovah and any association with my childhoood bible teacher... faded.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
Upvote if y'all read this post looking like this:
I'm so confused, help?
by Ponyo ini want to share my story.
(might be a tad long).
i have no idea where i stand anymore regarding being a jw and where i stand in my marriage.. im 28 years old and the years are certainly ticking by.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
Hey sweetie, I can feel your heart breaking all the way over here (Australia). To relieve some of your guilt and confusion pertaining to whether or not the Bible says that the truth comes in the form of an organization, please check out these two articles and keep your Bible handy : ).
Sending you love from Down Under.
What is the latest trend in jw land
by bola ini want to know the latest trend in jw land.
after i have disassociated from jw land last year, now my father has forced me to write a reinstatement letter.
and i will soon be reinstated back very soon because those cult elders will meet with me.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
Did you hand over your hostage letter for reinstatement like this:
A "Three-fold cord"?
by stuckinarut2 inwe all know of the well used scripture that speaks of "a three-fold cord" in marriage.. sure, it is meant to indicate that any marriage that has "god" in it as the foundation of the couple's life will be successful.
but how often have we noticed that what it really means for witnesses is that the society, or the gb has the right to be an unwelcome and nosey intruder in the lives of couples.
every decision that family unit makes is influenced by the organisation.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
A Witness girlfriend of mine just got married. In the lead up to her marriage, she was sure to sit with her elders and ask them if she and her soon-to-be husband were "allowed" to go down on each other. I hit the roof when she told me. I screamed that it is BEYOND abnormal and inappropriate to divulge and seek that kind of "approval" from the elders. In what world is it okay for a thirty year old woman to implore a bunch of older men for advice on oral sex?! She dismissed my horror with, "oh, my elders are cool. They're good, babe. We're real close like that." About as close as the elders' NWTs were to their crotches when she asked.
In the WT cult, all sense of normalcy and appropriate boundaries have vanished.
JW Elder fired from bank for privacy violation regarding fellow JW employee
by Zoos in"thou shalt spy on and report your brothers and sisters to hq.".
editor's note: due to the nature of this story we've changed the names of the parties involved.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
He "copied the information onto an external storage device." Of course he did. For, um... research purposes.
Invasive creep.
JW Stumper Questions - List You Best Here
by pale.emperor inhi guys.
sooner or later we're going to get a jw knocking on our door.
just like when we were jw's doing the knocking, it's good to have a question prepared to get them thinking about their own beliefs.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
Prepare yourself for the same old, standard rhetoric: "We are not here to get into debates...". Of course you're not. You're here to preach AT. Funny how when folks at the door ask push-over questions like, "there can't be a God, otherwise why would he allow suffering?" or "I was taught we'd go to Hell for sinning" that the Witnesses are ready to engage in what they'd describe as a "conversation". But as soon as it's a thought-provoking question such as the ones listed above, it's suddenly a "debate" to be avoided like the plague.
New light!.....DFed without being DFed
by Tight Pants Twinkle Toes init now appears that the wt can df you just by marking you.
this happened to my me and my wife a few week ago.
a marking talk was given at the mid-week meeting in which no names were mentioned yet a detailed description of the "offending bastards" was delivered so that there as no doubt who this "pond scum" might be.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
Paging @stuckinarut2... he and his wife are privy to this New Shite, also. -
Thesis on Shunning within Jehovah Witnesses
by keinlezard inhello, .
juliagutgsell publish her thesis i'm reading it , and found it interresting .
marriage"equality" survey, Australia.
by zeb inthe australian govt has set out a survey to see if people are in favour of changing the marriage act to include same sex couples.. hm here have received their papers?
the survey promises to be anonymous but has a substantial bar code at the bottom... anonymous yeah right.. the marriage act once said "two people" then a previous prime minister changed it to say "man and woman" all that is needed to amend this situation as required by the gay community is change it back again to "two people" there, done and dusted.. and millions of dollars need not be wasted on this survey which is not compulsory as is voting in australia.
can anyone here who still goes to kh tell us if this has had a ruling from the platform?.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
@shepherdless Actually, this year I DID get fined - AND penalized additionally - for not voting. Apparently when I submitted my "Christian neutrality" reason back when the election first came knocking, it got knocked back. And I wasn't alerted. Instead I got hit with the first late fee penalty. So I wrote my appeal (despite having since awakened from when I first wrote in my reasons for not voting). Aaaaaand I found out it got knocked back AGAIN. Maybe my apostasy came through in my handwriting? I called up the State Debt Recovery and my options were: a) pay the fine + penalty and pay an additional fee to take the matter to court to try and lift the fine payment, or b) pay the fine + penalty. I chose b.